POS system for service station
If you run a petrol station you know the value of a good service station point of sale system. Service stations are a hub for a wide array of services ranging from fill-ups to candies, car products and more. A service station point of sale system has to be responsible for payment processing and inventory tracking for a wide range of items and services. From retail products to extras like carwashes, full service fill ups and more, Pos systems for petrol stations need to be some of the most advanced on the market.
Automated Petroleum point of sale systems:
An increasing number of customers want to have access to self serve or automated features with their POS system. With the help of our POS system you can work at offering pay at the pump capability with full tracking and receipt printing. Customers can drive up to the pump, authorize payments and then pump gas themselves as well as collect points or print receipts for the future. You can track payment on each pump as well as track inventory from each pump so that you can tell the total inventory of fuel left. Pay at the pump options can even include code activation and print outs for automated carwashes and other services at your petrol station. This is an all-inclusive service solution that can speed efficiency at the pump as well as give customer the type of service that they want.
Mobile POS services:
A gas station POS service that is mobile and somewhat portable with full inventory tracking can also have benefits for full service petrol stations. If you have a service station that offers attendants at the pumps or a large selection of interior inventory, having the option to move POS services throughout the store or into the parking lot area on a tablet or handheld device can help you to improve the availability of your customer service.
Service station point of sale with inventory tracking:
Tracking multiple types of products and services for inventory tracking is made very simple using these point of sale systems for service stations. It is very easy to gauge the amount of fuel that is sold, determine when it is time to reorder petrol or when it may be time to restock shelves. Tracking your most purchased products and services can also improve the availability of inventory and the quality of the service you offer. With intuitive software that integrates with Siemens and other petrol management software via API, accounting software and inventory management systems, we can custom tailor a service station pos system that can meet all of your needs, and growing business demands.
Because of all of these customer service improvements as well as the ability to streamline your workflow processes, you should consider us for putting together your service station point of sale system.